Maestro Open Source: Two-Way Street to Community

Open Sourcing has become an integral part of the engineering community.

Both using Open Source tools and publishing your own solution may bring benefit to a product, once done wisely.

Using Open Source tools allows project teams to empower their products by specific well-tested functions, reducing development costs and taking the best of the community expertise.

Publishing own solution brings more attention to the product, enriches it with the fresh ideas and solutions resulting from collaboration with the community, and builds trust due to the product transparency and minimization of the vendor lock.

Several months ago, Maestro started it's own Open Source journey, and the road goes into both these directions.

Maestro to Open Source

With its modular architecture, Maestro is convenient for sharing specific engines and solutions with the community.

We carefully investigated which modules, or engines, can be interesting and useful, as well as studied the best practices and experience of other vendors in Open Sourcing. As a result, we highlighted a set of access-related tools to be Open Sourced in the first place. 

These are Maestro CLI, SDK, the Unified Terraform provider. Starting with such type of tools simplifies interacting with Maestro and makes its services usage more convenient. 

To publish Maestro tools, we created a dedicated organization on GitHub, available by the following link: 

Open Source to Maestro

Open Source is not only about publishing own engines, but also about taking the best of those already available.

We analyzed a big set of Open Sourced projects to see how Maestro can benefit from them, and selected three which could provide better results at the current stage.

EPAM Delivery Platform

EPAM Delivery Platform (EDP) is an orchestrated combination of enterprise software engineering methodologies, architectural frameworks, and development processes & tools. The solution
synchronizes and streamlines the many steps that are key to success to enterprise software engineering projects.

It allows to utilize EPAM's best practices and methodologies
for building an effective software delivery pipeline, using the Golden Path approach to reduce development time and cost, thus allowing to focus on business functionalities

EPAM Syndicate Rule Engine

EPAM Syndicate Rule Engine is a solution that allows checking and assessing virtual infrastructures in AWS, Azure, GCP infrastructures against different types of standards, requirements and rulesets.

By default, the solution covers hundreds of security, compliance, utilization and cost effectiveness rules, which cover world known standards like GDPR, PCI DSS, CIS Benchmark, and a bunch of others.

EPAM Syndicate 

EPAM Syndicate (Modular API) is a service integration and management offering based on the Open Cloud Management Platform engine. It allows setting up operation and infrastructure services for cloud infrastructures on an enterprise level.

With EPAM Syndicate, a dedicated team can gather, develop, manage and support the services in a unified way. Meanwhile, the enterprise applications facing the business tasks, get more space and capacity. Their teams can perform more effectively, as they do not need to split attention between business and operations.

The API-first approach enables high flexibility to the solution and allows tech teams quickly integrate new components.

What's Next

At he moment, Maestro includes only the basic integrations with the mentioned tools and services.
However, we have a defined roadmap for improving the integrations.

As for Maestro tools to be open sourced, we suggest the next step to be related to Maestro billing engine, which will bring us the possibility to expand Maestro billing with new items and approaches.


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