The year of 2023 is only started, but it is already highly important in cloud industry. According to numerous reviews and reports, the number of businesses hosting their infrastructures in Cloud is growing dramatically, and in this respect, multi-cloud and hybrid infrastructures are the main trend.

Each cloud provider gives a vide set of services, that are often alike across vendors. However, there are special offerings not available at competitors, or the specifics of performance or configuration. That is why many businesses end up with a multi-cloud environment. For example, AWS has a very powerful Machine Learning services set that meets the expectations in models training, once Azure provides the effective identity services (like Azure AD).

There are still many businesses engaging clouds built within private data centres. There are numerous reasons for that – from compliance requirements to just historical development.

If the business is relatively young and was initially cloud-based, the private data centre can be built within a respective offering by a public provider, such as AWS Outpost, Azure Stack or Google Anthos. This is a convenient approach, once in such case, the private infrastructure can be managed with the same tools/API as the virtual infrastructures hosted in a public cloud.

Still, the other common case is using standard private cloud platforms, such as VMWare or OpenStack. The reason can be both historical (where the migration of existing solution is complex and expensive), or technical (when having such type of cloud is the way to meet the requirements or get the necessary functionality).

Meanwhile, several years ago, the containers era started, which allows to create infrastructures that can be deployed to any cloud.

Having all this in action at once, the very natural question is – how to control it? To work in a hybrid or multi- cloud effectively, you need a single and unified entry point. Maestro is the one, offering not only management, but also improved FinOps enablement, security, analytics, and optimization.

 Powerful automation tools, atop of that, allow creating one-click deployable platform offerings for the infrastructures end users. Terraform provider for Maestro makes it even more interesting, as allows creating cross-cloud and multi-cloud templates, which is quite a valuable and rare option within the market.

Maestro addresses the public cloud providers and private platforms via API – and it actually does not have limits on what platform to use – the integrations can be done as far as the API allows.

It is also worth mentioning that all features, approaches and capabilities in Maestro are not invented “from scratch”. Maestro has a 12 years history – first as a solution for a private cloud management, than – as a hybrid cloud management tool, and now – as a separate product. It was born to meet the challenges of a large, geographically distributed IT services provider enterprise, and it incorporates a really great experience and outputs of numerous ups and downs.

Previous years showed that our understanding of the current market needs and expectations lead (well, in majority of the cases ;) ) to successful decisions and effective roadmaps.

According to Gartner, Forbes, and other numerous reviews, being hybrid, being multi cloud – is one of the main trends that has just started and will gain strength throughout upcoming years.

Maestro already has lots to offer here to all types of users: from DevOps to account managers. Lots of useful things and breakthroughs are planned for upcoming months.

And further, we will go on introducing you to the details of the possibilities our product offers.

Stay tuned!


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