Maestro 2023: New Year Resolution Time

According to Gartner, by 2025, over 85% of organizations will embrace the cloud-first principle, and cloud-native architectures and technologies will become an intrinsic part of their digital strategies. To compare with, in 2021, this number was 30% only.

The year 2023 brings new trends that reflect this rapid Cloud evolution. AI, Virtual Desktops, Serverless, Automation, Hybrid Cloud are among the top directions, according to most analytics and reviewers.

Maestro traditionally responds to the three sources of requirements – stakeholders, market, and end-users experience. This year, the three of them are naturally united, and we came up with a perfect roadmap that will lead our product to a new level of maturity and marketability.

Main Directions

Among the whole set of things to be done we would like to highlight those that are the most important and promising.

One-Click Workspaces/VDI Provisioning on AWS and Azure
Virtual workspaces is a highly demanded way to provide secure available workplaces to remote employees.
Supporting AWS and Azure virtual workspaces within Maestro will turn it into a business kit providing the necessary elements to build your business in cloud – from workplaces to infrastructure.

Out-of-the-Box Service Catalog
Maestro already is a platform where DevOps can create complex automation solutions and put them to the counter – the Catalog – where other users can easily reach them.
In 2023, the catalog can be filled with a wide pack of offerings common and most frequently used within the industry. These are aimed for logging, code review, load balancing, DB setup, etc. Proper catalog will allow to minimize the time and effort customers need to start actual working on their projects.

Expanding FinOps tools pack
Maestro has already become a single entry point where both development and financial teams can communicate properly to align their activities with the enterprise FinOps expectations.
In 2023, we would like to enforce the kit with a new Dashboard, focusing on the details of infrastructure performance KPIs and insights. Together with existing financial and policies-based statistics, this will give more information for investigation and analysis, better understanding of the processes and better possibilities for optimization.

Power BI Online (AWS QuickSight)
Effective FinOps needs deep multidimensional infrastructure analytics and recommendations. Power BI tools appeared to collect, sort and process large scopes of such information. However, when working directly with such tools, you need to process all this information additionally which engages extra experts and needs time.
We see Maestro as a framework that can be integrated with a Power BI tool to analyze its recommendations and trends and share with users only those that point out improvement possibilities. This will bring more useful refined insights to Maestro users, with no need to engage a dedicated expert for initial investigation and decision-making.
AWS QuickSight was selected as the first BI tool to integrate with.

New Resources Support
Once the architectures become more and more cloud-native, the resource types, other than virtual instances, become an essential part of any solution. To align Maestro with the new trends, we see the following types of resources as our primary goals for full-scale management support:
  • Containers
  • SSH Keys
  • Databases
  • Lambdas
  • Object Storage
Maestro for ISP and Cloud reselling model (Azure CSP, Google Reseller API, AWS Partner)
To expand Maestro reselling possibilities, we consider enabling customer-focused Maestro applications that will deliver to the customers’ end-users the defined scope of services.
The application should enable quick access to the basic cloud management, reporting and analytics functionality and be easily customizable for specific customer’s needs.

Hashicorp: Maestro Provider for Terraform
Maestro provider for Terraform is the perfect answer to the demand for a multi-cloud/cross-cloud automation via a single source (template). This solution can be made available to the public by publishing on the Hashicorp side – and provisioned together with the access to Maestro API.

Maestro solution vs Maestro Framework
Maestro has lots of features that could respond to specific business requests – without need to provide (or buy) the whole solution. That’s why we look into preparing our most promising engines as stand-alone tools that could be delivered separately and integrated into the customers’ ecosystems. The list includes Maestro RightSizer, Terraform as a Service, Analytics, and others.

As you can see, we have huge and ambitious plans for Maestro growth in 2023. In addition to covering new business focuses, we also plan to pay much attention to fixing existing issues, implementing known improvements suggestions and new features that have already been registered based on the end-users request.
As a result, by December 2023, Maestro will have a whole set of new features that will make it meet the most recent requirements on a totally new level, and it will be empowered by numerous under-the-hood improvements that will make Maestro more effective and reliable.
Still, the product team proposes, the market disposes. Let’s check in a year – how this all will be put into life.

May the upcoming year be happy and fruitful for everyone who is here with us!


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