Flexible notification policy in Maestro

Maestro users enjoy the profound system of more than 60 reports and notifications which give them the detailed and extensive information about their infrastructure lifecycle, access rights and configuration changes, costs and billing, security, etc. The reports and notifications are sent to the cloud users based on their tenant roles and according to the default subscription settings.

However, this number can be excessive for your current tasks or your current workload or inconvenient for the device you have at hand.

To make your experience with Maestro reports and notifications more effective, this release introduces the enhanced and upgraded version of the Subscriptions wizard – the Notification policy wizard.

Notification policy wizard is available for tenant members with different roles and allows configuring default settings for personal (all tenant members) and tenant (managers only) subscriptions.

Within the wizard, all reports and notifications are divided into 9 groups depending on their purpose and content:

  • Instance lifecycle management notifications notify about state-changing events or other instance-related actions like Failed to run instance notification or schedule invocation.
  • Financial analytics reports provide detailed information about tenant costs and chargebacks (Cost allocation report, All resources cost report, and Total billing report).
  • Access rights notifications notify the responsible persons about login requests and allow answering them or tell the requester about the status of the request and provide the access credentials.
  • Weekly and monthly security reports inform the responsible persons about the state of security on their tenants (Vulnerabilities report, security reports from cloud providers). Security checks and scanning can be performed by both Maestro and the selected cloud providers and their security centers.
  • Quota-related reports provide the data about the quota-management events and allow approving/rejecting quota actions, reacting to unusual activities, setting and updating tenant contacts, etc.
  • Request-related notifications contain the details of the support requests submitted from Maestro.
  • Stack-related notifications notify about the state-changing events of your stacks.
  • Image-related notifications confirm that the necessary image was created or deleted.
  • Daily and weekly status reports overview the utilization of tenant resources and their changes.
  • Optimization reports sum up the actions which can be performed to optimize the utilization of your personal cloud resources or tenant infrastructures (Low Instance Utilization, Average CPU Workload, Instance Level Metric reports).

Managers of the tenant can use the Notification policy wizard to set up the default set of reports and notifications which will be received by the members of their tenants (depending on the user roles) and allow them to configure these default subscriptions.

Tenant members can configure the form in which they will receive their reports and notifications:

  • If you check the checkbox in the Subscribed column, you will receive (or stop receiving) notifications from this notification group.
  • If you check the checkbox in the Email column, you will receive (or stop receiving) notifications from this notification group to your email address.
  • If you check the checkbox in the Push column, you will receive (or stop receiving) push-notifications from this notification group.

For example, you can switch all the quota-related notifications to Push when you are on the business trip with the limited access to your email or receive all the security reports by email only (and set up the filters in your email box) in order to keep all information about the security of your tenant in one place.

Why do I need the Notification policy wizard?

This wizard is a place where you can check your default subscriptions and configure them in the most convenient way. The more systematized your letterbox is, the easier it will be for you to find the necessary data in it.


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