Terraform Enterprise vs Maestro Terraform as a Service - Part III.
In the third and the last part of this article, we will talk about Policy Enforcement, Cost Estimation, Notifications, SAML Integration and other functionality without which we cannot imagine handling the virtual infrastructure management routine.
- Notifications
M3: Maestro supports the notifications functionality upon different events occurring in the system, such as: Terraform template execution, resources deployment from the Terraform template, running/stopping an instance, etc. We have implemented a set of notifications that is sufficient for working with the Maestro system.
Currently, we support emails and push-notifications. The support of other systems can be easily implemented.
- Terraform Enterprise Provider
M3: Maestro from its side supports the same workflow as in Terraform Enterprise, plus we add its own features, such as approve\reject if the quota is exceeded, notifications showing that the infrastructure was deployed, e.g. instance is run successfully. We can also review this information on other pages, e.g. on the Reporting page, we can see that the new infrastructure is deployed, review infrastructure costs. The resources can also be viewed on the Management page.
- Enhanced Remote State
M3: In general, there are several ways to store remote state files: locally or in special systems intended for storing such data. In Maestro such data is stored in the database. Terraform Enterprise does it in a similar way - it stores the remote state files on its servers in order to drive up the logic, as when to apply the rules of the policy specified in Sentinel. Thus, in this regard, Terraform Enterprise and Maestro work similarly.
In addition, in Maestro we drive up the logic when determining ownership for certain resources, i.e. if an instance is run, Maestro will automatically limit ownership, since the system acknowledges that this user performed a particular action, he applied a particular template, under which a particular infrastructure was deployed, a particular instance run. Thus, in such a way Maestro defines the user’s ownership rights.
- Audit Logs
M3: Maestro records an audit of all actions occurred in the infrastructure. The audit can be reviewed in a Content View section of Catalog and Stacks pages. Additionally, it is possible to review the completed requests as well as the Terraform logs themselves.
Maestro has a View execution log, where users can see the existing logs, the content of the Terraform log when executing commands, and who and when run a certain command.
- SAML integration
M3: Maestro already provides the ability to integrate with Active Directory. Thus, Terraform will be available for those users who will log in via Active Directory or SSO.
With one exception - auto user creation is not performed in Maestro.
Unlike Š¢erraform Enterprise, Maestro does not automatically create a new temporary account for the logged-in user. At the time of service activation, a system user is created, who is identified with a particular service so that it could be controlled. Policies for this user can be applied and updated when necessary, which provides an additional level of control for the IT and Security departments. Thus, Maestro does not create accounts, and neither does it update or delete them. Maestro works from its users’ behalf, considering this way as a more secure. In this part, the Maestro approach is different from the one of Terraform Enterprise.
- Cost Estimation
M3: Currently, the Maestro team is working on implementing the cost estimation functionality. In addition to this, the team is creating the unified Terraform provider, which will allow deploying instances in a similar way for all supported cloud providers. Thus, it will allow providing not only the cost estimation at the time of applying a Terraform template but also an infrastructure cost comparison and prediction of a cloud on which this infrastructure will cost less.
- Policy Enforcement
For example, administrators could write policies that prevent large, expensive machines from being provisioned unnecessarily, or enforce overall budget restrictions for a teams’ deployments without prescribing what machines to use. Even further, policies can be dynamically written such that a certain threshold of change is allowed month over month, but nothing exceeding a certain dollar limit.
M3: In Maestro, policies are driven up by its own Policy Engine:
- Disabling the possibility to deploy resources in other regions
- Checking quotas at the time of deploying the infrastructure
- Disabling the possibility to deploy the infrastructure if the quota is exceeded. The infrastructure then will be deployed only after the respective manager's approval.
An infrastructure, deployed from the Terraform template, can be marked by certain tags. The tags mechanism is deeply integrated into the Maestro system, so Maestro users automatically receive benefits like quotas, scheduling by tags, searching resources by tags, and others. Thus, for example, if an instance was deployed via a Terraform template, and is marked by tags, you can apply a schedule to it and start/stop the instance throughout the week at a certain time.
Maestro application has a lot of tools and services to be used: RBAC model, a unified API, billing with quotas, schedules, approvals, etc., and it is all integrated into Terraform. This makes the Terraform solution in Maestro completely different compared to Terraform Enterprise.
To sum up –
Below you can review the comparative matrix of features available in Terraform Enterprise and Maestro Terraform as a Service:
Terraform Enterprise solution is designed to manage large environments with thousands of servers by very skilled DevOps. Maestro solution, on the contrary, eliminates deep knowledge, when we have users who can use this engine through marketplaces. Yes, Maestro does not work with exotic configurations for thousands of servers. But as part of the creation of full-fledged e-commerce stores with 20-30 servers, all the necessary features are already implemented in Maestro.
Additionally, since the Maestro application has functionality related to quotas and approvals, many additional options which, when used in Terraform Enterprise, require additional programming and scripting via Sentinel, in Maestro are already implemented as default policies. And this is the main difference and the main similarity.
Terraform Enterprise itself is gorgeous, this tool is effective and convenient, but it is intended for slightly different purposes, than Maestro.
Terraform Enterprise itself is gorgeous, this tool is effective and convenient, but it is intended for slightly different purposes, than Maestro.
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