Maestro Front-End and Native UI

Maestro front-end is written in Angular 6, an open-source JavaScript-based framework for web application development. Angular 6 was chosen as a flexible framework supporting component approach - if one of the components fails, this does not affect the rest of the system.

As the previous versions of EPAM Orchestrator were written in Angular JS, it was only logical to continue with Angular 6 as such approach could speed up the application development by reusing the already developed elements with certain adaptations. In addition, Angular 6 allows creating dynamic items, for example, by supporting the drag-and-drop functionality featured in Maestro UI.

The mobile Maestro application written in NativeScript based on Angular 6, can be used on Android and iOS without any special adaptations. Angular 6 supports backward compatibility, therefore, Maestro components can be easily integrated with other web applications.

Finally, let's look briefly "under the hood" of the Maestro user interface. In Maestro, the front-end part involves Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network which receives the hyperlink from the browser and delivers the HTML stored in the special S3 storage. This HTML is a single-page application written in Angular 6 which represents the Orchestrator UI. When another request is made from the UI, only the affected segment of the page is updated, which increases the response and efficiency.


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