One report to detect them all, or one easy way to track cloud vulnerabilities

Security is one of the biggest concerns of all information and data owners. People who choose to store their data in cloud want to be sure that these data are safe and well-protected against any intrusion. Cloud providers and infrastructure management platforms supply different security mechanisms and provide scanning tools and facilities aiming at the highest security level. These tools usually produce a number of different security reports that - though giving an invaluable information - can become misleading or be simply lost among other reports and letters. Maestro v.3.33 focuses on developing and providing its users an aggregated report that will present the results from these scanning tools in a simple and clear way that will be draw the immediate attention to any existing or possible security issues. Updated Vulnerabilities report Maestro v.3.33 introduces the updated Vulnerabilities report that overcomes the drawbacks of the previous versions. The updated ...