Updates Jam: Web UI. New Login Page. Demo env. Azure metrics.

We ‘ve been continuously improving Maestro performance in order to meet our users’ growing needs, as well as going up with the tides of the constantly developing virtual infrastructure solutions. Below you can see the improvements implemented in Maestro Web Application: The Maestro login page was redesigned and is now a visual treat, providing our users with various information about us and our framework, as well as giving the possibility to request a Demo or contact the Support team directly via the respective form. Maestro is now providing a constant environment for the Demo version of our tool to showcase its new features and capabilities. Upon filling out the Request for demo form our support team will send you temporary credentials for trying out the main functionality of our framework yourself. Alternatively - our specialists will contact you upon request and demonstrate all the advantages of our tool via the Skype call. Maestro is now supporting memory...